Statute of the Osteuropa-Kolleg NRW
§ 1. General
The Osteuropa-Kolleg NRW is an association of academic and non-academic institutions in North-Rhein-Westphalia (NRW) or persons, who deal with the past and present of Eastern Europe. The college is no association in the sense of association law or other legal subject. Instead it is an earmarked union on a voluntary base (network)
§ 2. Goals
The Osteuropa-Kolleg aims with its activities for achieving the following goals:
To support the strengthening of the presence of Eastern European subjects in science and public.
- information exchange between the memebers and spread of information about the members and the Kolleg activities in public (homepage, social media, newsletter), organistaion and mediation of contacts
- Spread of Eastern European Topis to a wider public
- organisation and execution of common events
- organisation and execution of common initiatives in research and teaching
§ 3 Membership
Any person or institution in NRW who shares the aims of the college, agrees to the statute and agrees to become involved in the realization of these goals may become a member of the Kolleg.
The decision to accept a new member is made by the existing members by a simple majority.
The responsibilities of the member include:
- to participate in the planning of the joint initiativies of the Kolleg
- to report all relevant Eastern European related events of his institution to the management of the college and to approve their publication on the homepage of the college and to approve their publication on the homepage of the Kolleg
- to disseminate information about the activities of the Kolleg
The members present on the homepage of their institution the logo of the Kolleg with the heading "Member of the Eastern Europe-Kolleg NRW" and the link to the homepage of the Kolleg.
The resignation of a member from the Kolleg is possible at any time, but only after the member has fulfilled his obligations, if any, to carry out activities within the Kolleg.
§ 4 Organization
The highest decision-making instance in the Kolleg is the annual general assembly, on which the board (three persons) is elected. The executive board consists of the two-headed board of directors as well as a chosen managing director, who, among other things, is responsible for coordination and finances. The task of the board is to develop initiatives (in the Osteuropa-Kolleg and beyond) and to be available as a general point of contact in communication with the (RUB) rectorate, committees, etc. The board of directors is elected for one year.
At the plenary meeting, common themes are agreed each year in which the Kolleg develops its activities.
Decisions in the Kolleg are made by a simple majority. There is one vote per member. Each board member has one vote.
The administrative headquarters of the Kolleg is the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.