
    • Art History Institute RUB

    The Art History Institute, which is represented by prof. dr. Cornelia Jöchner is part of the Faculty of History at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Research and teaching deal with the fine arts of the Western world from late antiquity to the present day. A special emphasis is placed on the constitution, development and development of aesthetic modernity and its historical prerequisites.

    Faculty of History
    Ruhr-University Bochum
    44801 Bochum

    PD. Dr. Neslihan Asutay-Effenberger
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    • Universität Witten / Herdecke
    • Chair of International Political Economy at the university of Witten/Herdecke

    The Chair of International Political Economy, which is headed by Prof. Dr. Joachim Zweynert is located at the University of Witten / Herdecke. Research focuses on questions of the international dimension of social change processes. The main topics are issues of international institutional transfer and the international diffusion of economic ideas and their influence on reform processes in developing, emerging and transition countries.

    University Witten/Herdecke
    Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50
    58448 Witten
    Prof. Dr. Joachim Zweynert
    Tel.: 02302 / 926598
    E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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    • Chair of Modern and Contemporary History of the University of Wuppertal

    The Chair of Modern and Contemporary History of the University of Wuppertal represents in research and teaching an integrated history of Europe, which sees Europe as a common historical space and therefore asks related processes, developments as well as structural phenomena and seeks to locate differences each specific. This approach is being realized in research, for example in the context of an international cooperation project, which inquires about the occupation experiences in the years of the Second World War in all formerly German occupied countries.

    Bergische University Wuppertal
    Gaußstraße 20
    42119 Wuppertal
    Prof. Dr. Tatjana Tönsmeyer
    Tel.: 0202 - 439 2424
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    • Cultural Department for Russian Germans

    With the further development of cultural funding for Aussiedler, displaced persons and refugees from February 2016, the Federal Cabinet decided to establish the Cultural Department for Russian Germans. Located at the Museum of Russian-German Cultural History Detmold, the department is the responsibility of the Commissioner for Culture and the Media. The focus of the unit activities is the broad-based communication of culture and history of the Germans of Russia in various formats as well as an intergenerational dialogue with the generation of experience, youth and adult education and knowledge transfer to multipliers in the Federal Republic of Germany. The unit is one of a total of nine equivalent institutions in museums or other cultural institutions, which deal with the German cultural heritage in Eastern Europe on a public contract. In the context of the task of the unit, the collective term "Russlanddeutsche" (Russian Germans) established in science takes into account all groups of German origin in the historical field of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and its successor states of the late modern and new and modern History.

    32756 Detmold
    Georgstraße 24
    Edwin Warkentin
    Tel.: 05231 – 921694

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    • Cultural Department for Upper Silesia

    The Culture Department for Upper Silesia was set up at the Stiftung Haus Oberschlesien on March 1, 2017, in accordance with the development of the federal concept for promoting cultural work under Section 96 of the Federal Expellees Act. The cultural adviser supports the broad-based and cross-border transfer of knowledge about the culture and history of Upper Silesia as well as cooperation with Poland and the Czech Republic. He is dedicated to the culture and history of historic Upper Silesia, the present-day Polish Opole Voivodeship and Silesia, and the Moravian-Silesian regions of the Czech Republic. The Cultural Department informs about the diverse aspects and interrelations of regional culture and history and makes them known to the public in Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. The cultural departments at the National Museums on the Culture and History of Germans in Eastern Europe act as mediators with their own development funds for cultural projects, especially in youth and adult education. The aim of their work is the transfer of knowledge to multipliers and recipients in Germany and abroad. The offered forms of events range from lectures, readings, concerts and film screenings to exhibitions, seminars, workshops, excursions and study trips for various target groups.

    Stiftung Haus Oberschlesien
    Bahnhofstr. 71
    Dr. David Skrabania
    40883 Ratingen (Hösel)
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    • Department of Eastern European History RUB

    The Department of Eastern European History is located in the Faculty of History at the Ruhr-University Bochum and is headed by Prof. Dr. Stefan Plaggenborg represented. While in the teaching among others Insights into the history of Russia, Poland and the Czech Republic from the 17th century onwards are given, the Tsarist empire or the Soviet Union as well as Poland in the 19th and 20th centuries, the main focus in research.

    Ruhr-University Bochum
    Universitätsstraße 150
    44801 Bochum
    Prof. Dr. Stefan Plaggenborg
    Tel.: 0234/32 - 24660
    E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Dr. Michael Hagemeister
    Tel.: 0234 / 24668
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    • Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
    • Eastern Church Studies and Peace Research at the Westphalien Wilhelms-University Münster

    At the Department of Ecumenism, Eastern Church Studies and Peace Research, which is anchored in the Ecumenical Institute of the Catholic Theological Faculty of the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Bremer the subject Ostkirchenkunde in research and teaching. Thematically belong to it the churches of the eastern (oriental) traditions and the orthodox churches of the Byzantine tradition as well as the catholic (uniate) east churches. Special emphasis is placed on orthodoxy in Russia, Ukraine and the Balkans. Peace and Conflict Research aims to identify the background and mechanisms of religiously motivated or connoted conflicts and to develop ways of overcoming and resolving them.

    Hüfferstraße 27, Zimmer B 1.18
    48149 Münster
    Prof. Dr. Thomas Bremer
    Tel.: 0251 / 83 - 31991
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    • Gerhart-Hauptmann-Haus Foundation

    The Gerhart-Hauptmann-Haus Foundation German-East European Forum is an institution of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. With its educational and cultural work, it amis on the goal of cultivating and communicating the history and culture of the Germans in Eastern Europe, promoting dialogue with the Eastern Central and Eastern European neighbors and preserving the cultural self-sufficiency of German minorities in Eastern Europe. The foundation sees itself as a cultural bridge between East and West. It is a place for the equal exchange of historical and current events between Germans and their eastern neighbors. The Foundation's library offers a wide range of literature on East Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe.

    Foundation Gerhart-Hauptmann-Haus
    Bismarckstraße 90
    40210 Düsseldorf
    Dr. Sabine Grabowski
    Tel.: 0211 / 16991 13
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    • LWL
    • Foundation Kloster Dalheim. LWL State museum for monastery culture

    Foundation Kloster Dalheim. LWL State museum for monastery culture is one of the 17 museums of the Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (LWL) and Germany's only state museum of monastic cultural history. The museum invites its visitors to discover the European monastic culture on about 3,000 square meters of exhibition space. Regular special exhibitions are held dedicated to specific aspects of monastic culture.

    Am Kloster 9
    33165 Lichtenau
    Dr. Ingo Grabowsky.
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    • German Society for Eastern Europe Studies. branch office Bochum

    The German Society for Eastern Europe Studies with its headquarter in Berlin is the biggest union for Eastern Europe Studies in the German-speaking area. The society is discussion forum for politics, economy, and culture in Eastern-Central Europe and Eastern Europe with a large number of members. The DGO offers new perspectives on Eastern Europe, conveys knowledge and contributes to the understanding of current processes. 22 branch offices all over Germany deal with this task, including the branch office in Bochum. It sees itself as a regional platform of dialogue between East and West and aims to promote a discussion about Eastern Europe through lectures, exhibitions and readings.

    Ruhr-Universität Bochum
    Universitätsstraße 150
    44801 Bochum
    Dr. Agnieszka Zagańczyk-Neufeld
    Tel.: 0234 / 32 - 22559
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    • House of the history of the Ruhr area RUB

    The House of the History of the Ruhr Area is a cross-disciplinary, interdisciplinary central-scientific institution of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum and forms the roof for the Foundation of the Ruhr Area and the Institute for Social Movements. Both facilities offer prospective clients, researchers and students a variety of services, including: on the topics "Social Movements" and "History and Presence of the Ruhr Area". In addition, in the House of the History of the Ruhr area are the holdings of the library of the Ruhr area

    Clemensstr. 17-19
    44789 Bochum
    Office: Institute for Social Movements (Anke Büchner): 0234/32-24687
    Office: Foundation library of the Ruhr area (Julia Henselek): 0234/32-26332
    Prof. Dr. Stefan Berger
    Tel.: 0234 / 32 - 2468
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    • Ikonen Museum Recklinghausen
    • Icon Museum Recklinghausen

    The Icon Museum Recklinghausen encloses the world's largest and most important collection on the outer borders of the Orthodox countries and offers a comprehensive insight into the entire range of icon art. The topics are presented according to thematic aspects and emphasize the importance of icons as cult images of the Orthodox Church.

    Kirchplatz 2a
    45657 Recklinghausen
    Art Gallery Recklinghausen
    Große-Perdekamp-Straße 25-27
    45657 Recklinghausen
    General Information
    Tel.: 02361 / 501941
    Directorate of the museums of the city of Recklinghausen
    Tel.: 02361 / 501931
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    • Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen
    • Institute of Cultural Studies Essen

    The Institute of Cultural Studies Essen is an interdisciplinary research college for humanities and cultural studies in the tradition of international advanced study institutes and works as interuniversity college of the Ruhr University Bochum, the Technical University of Dortmund and the University of Duisburg-Essen in the design of its program with the scientists and scientists from its universities of sponsorship and with other partners at home and abroad. The focus of the institute's work is on Europe, Interculture, Climate Culture and Participatory Culture.

    Goethestraße 31
    45128 Essen
    Prof. Dr. Tatjana Tönsmeyer
    Tel.: 0201 / 7204 211
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    Prof. Dr. Claus Leggewie
    Tel.: 0201 / 7204 153
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    • Latvian Center Münster e. V.

    The Latvian Center Münster e. V. (founded in 1982) has continued the tradition of the "Latvian Grammar School Münster" since 1998. In addition to the promotion of Latvian art, culture and tradition and the care of Latvians in Münster and beyond - through information, projects and activities of all kinds (choirs, music and dance groups, etc.) - promote the promotion of cultural understanding and of science and research Center of work. The latter purpose is served by the "Trimda Forum", which is dedicated to the scientific and didactic processing and editing of the archive, museums (for Zenta Maurina and Janis Jaunsudrabins) and exile library.

    Salzmannstraße 152
    48159 Münster

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    • Martin Opitz Library Foundation Herne

    The Martin Opitz Library Foundation provides a comprehensive literature on the culture and history of Germans in Eastern Europe, covering the entire area of Central and Eastern Europe and Eastern Europe and focusing on the historical eastern provinces of Prussia. Under the motto "books build bridges", the Martin-Opitz-Bibliothek Herne contributes to the dialogue between East and West and provides with its literature information about history and present, which serve as a basis to promote opportunities and overcome fronts.

    Berliner Platz 5
    44623 Herne
    Dr. Hans-Jakob Tebarth
    Tel.: 02323 / 162106
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    Dr. Arkadiusz Danszczyk
    Tel.: 02323 / 162188
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    • Museum of Russian-German Cultural History

    Russian Germans - who are they? Where are they from? How did they live? The Museum of Russian-German Cultural History in Detmold deals with these questions. Thus a bridge between the history and the presence of the Russian Germans in Germany is to be built. This also shows an area of ​​German and European history that has hardly been considered in German museums so far. In the museum, the visitors will discover a section of the common German, Russian-German and Russian history - a multifaceted history of emigration, migration and integration with a high level of political everyday life.

    Georgstraße 24
    32756 Detmold
    Tel.: 05231 92 16 90

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    • OSTWEST Verein für kulturellen Transfer e.V.
    • OSTWEST Association for Cultural Transfer e.V.

    The OSTWEST (EASTWEST) Association for Cultural Transfer e.V. sees itself as a platform for cultural and artistic exchange. Various projects aim to promote the transfer and confrontation between East and West. OSTWEST e.V.'s goal is to contribute to a better understanding of similarities and differences - and building on that - to create new, shared values.

    Agnesstr. 40
    44791 Bochum
    Agata Przyborowska-Stolz
    Tel.: 0234 / 32 - 28367
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    • Polnisches Institut Düsseldorf
    • Polish Institute of Dusseldorf

    The Polish Institute of Dusseldorf is one of the world-wide distributed Polish Institutes established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland with the aim to improve the social and cultural relations between the respective host country and Poland through the presentation of Polish culture, politics, history, society and education. Thematically, the Polish Institute deals with cooperation within the EU, the Polish-Jewish dialogue and Poland's position in the context of the situation in Central and Eastern Europe and its cooperation with the EU's eastern accession and partner countries and their neighbors.

    Citadellstraße 7
    40213 Düsseldorf
    Monika Werner
    Tel.: 0211 866 96 18
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    • Porta Polonica Bochum
    • Porta Polonica Bochum

    Porta Polonica, the Documentation Center on the Culture and History of Poles in Germany, is essentially an Internet portal that explores, documents and makes visible the traces and influences of Polish life in Germany. As a digital platform, it serves to network and exchange, thus contributing to actively shaping the culture of remembrance.

    Documentation Center on the Culture and History of Poles in Germany
    Am Rübenkamp 4
    44793 Bochum
    Dr. Jacek Barski
    Tel.: 0234 / 23953731
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    • Lotman Institut
    • Russian Culture RUB

    The Russian Culture is part of the Seminar for Slavic Studies / Lotman Institute at the Ruhr-University Bochum and is currently represented by PD Dr. Ulrike Goldschweer. In teaching, the emphasis is on reflecting a broad spectrum of Russian life worlds from a cultural science perspective: from the aesthetics of the arts (literature, film, visual arts) on media and ideological issues to topics in the everyday, public and Society, and in particular its positioning in a common European context. Current research areas are e.g. Russian spatial formations and Soviet lifestyles, but also exile cultures.

    Ruhr-Universität Bochum
    44801 Bochum
    Prof. Dr. Christoph Garstka
    Tel.: 0234 / 32-23368
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    • Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
    • Slavic-Baltic Seminar of the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

    The Slavic-Baltic Seminar of the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster is represented by Prof. Dr. med. Alfred Sproede. Both in research and teaching, the Slavic-Baltic Seminar is dedicated to topics of Slavic Studies, the current situation in Ukraine, as well as aspects of law and literature.

    Bispinghof 3a
    48143 Münster
    Prof. Dr. Irina Wutsdorff
    Tel.: 0 251 / 83 24570
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    • Lotman Institut
    • Slavic Literature studies RUB

    Slavic Literature studies is part of the Seminar for Slavic Studies / Lotman Institute at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum and is represented by Mirja Lecke. Research is currently focusing on topics such as multiculturalism in Russia and the relationship between state, nation, empire and literature in Eastern Europe. The apprenticeship gives among others Content on Russian and Polish literature, theories and methods or cultural relations.

    Ruhr-University Bochum
    44801 Bochum
    PD Dr. Ulrike Goldschweer
    Tel.: 0234 / 32-23370
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    • Lotman Institut
    • Slavic Linguistics RUB

    The Slavic Linguistics is part of the Seminar for Slavic Studies / Lotman Institute at the Ruhr-University Bochum and is represented by Prof. Dr. Tanja. The main areas of research include among others the Slavic languages in Germany, psycholinguistic questions and the verb grammar of Russian and Polish. In teaching, courses are offered on the structure and history of Russian and Polish as well as psycho-and sociolinguistic issues.

    Ruhr-University Bochum
    44801 Bochum
    Prof. Dr. Tanja Anstatt
    Tel.: 0234 / 32-28389
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    • SOUTHERN EUROPEAN HISTORY / history of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey RUB

    The history of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey is represented by Prof. dr. Markus Koller and is based at the Historical Institute of the Ruhr-University Bochum. One focus is the manifold interweaving and transfer processes between the empire of the sultans and the Christian and Islamic states. Aspects of economic, cultural and mental history are treated in both research and teaching.

    Historical Institute
    Faculty of History
    Ruhr-University Bochum
    Universitätsstraße 150
    44801 Bochum
    Prof. Dr. Markus Koller
    Tel.: 0234 / 32 - 24670
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    • State Language Institute RUB

    The State Language Institute in the Ruhr-Universität Bochum is a facility for the qualified teaching of foreign language and intercultural competence, with the aim of effectively aligning language-practical content and skills with the needs of the course participants. The LSI offers intensive courses in Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Korean, Persian and Turkish.

    Laerholzstraße 84
    44801 Bochum
    Dr. Dr. h.c. Klaus Waschik
    Tel.: 0234 / 6874 - 107
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    Dr. Leo Weschmann
    Tel.: 0234 / 6874 - 421
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    Elena Resch
    Tel.: 0234 / 6874 - 425
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    • Teaching methodology of Russian language RUB

    The teaching methodology of Russian language is part of the Seminar for slavistic/ Lotman-Institut at the Ruhr-University Bochum and is represented by jun.-prof. Dr. Anastasia Drackert. The research focuses include, among others testing of foreign language competences (especially Russian language), exercise based learning and teaching in Russian classes and teaching Russian as native language and multilingualism. The teaching focus is on the preparation of Master-of-Education-students for their future job as teachers through research and action-oriented learning.

    Ruhr-Universität Bochum
    44801 Bochum
    Jun.-Prof. Dr. Anastasia Drackert
    Tel.: 0234 / 32-23373
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    • Ruhr Uni Bochum
    • University Library RUB

    The University Library supports RUB's work in Eastern Europe through extensive electronical and printed informations, it conveys information competence on Eastern Europe, supports RUB's university partnerships in Eastern Europe, and actively participates in library networks about an in Eastern Europe. It contributes its metadata competence to the research project on Ottoman Europe. UB Bochum opens its rooms as a place of learning and cultural meeting point.

    Specialist in Slavic Studies and Eastern European History:
    Dr. Erdmute Lapp

    Ruhr-University Bochum
    Universitätsstraße 150
    44801 Bochum
    Dr. Erdmute Lapp
    Tel.: 0234 / 32 - 22351
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    • Workspace Eastern European History University Bielefeld

    Eastern Europe is not just birch forest, samovar and balalaika. Eastern Europe is also not just the Warsaw Pact, Comintern and red terror. We also find traces of Eastern Europe in Harbin and Damascus, on ships and steam locomotives, in auditoriums and on Bazaars. At the workspace history of Eastern Europe we study Eastern Europe and its cultural, social and economical entanglements and exchanges. Eastern Europe is researched comparatively and embedded into global processes of nation building, religious pluralisation and secularisation, urbanisation and social differentiation from an interdisciplinary perspective. We lay a special focus on continuities and cuts, traditions and innovations, but mostly on their convergences and symbioses at the dynamic transition from premodern to modern times.

    University Bielefeld
    Faculty of History of Mind, Philosophy and Theology Workspace Eastern European History
    33501 Bielefeld
    Prof. Dr. Frank Grüner
    Tel.: +49 521 106-3266
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