Do 07.02.2019, 20.00 Uhr
Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, Hansastraße 3, 44137 Dortmund

Tanz und Choreographie: Ola Maciejewska

Begleitprogramm zu:
„Rausch der Schönheit. Die Kunst des Jugendstils“
9. Dezember 2018 – 23. Juni 2019
Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, Dortmund
Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte
Hansastraße 3, 44137 Dortmund
Telefon: (0231) 50-25522
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„With this performance I am examining the limits of human agency and the agency of an object in action. LOIE FULLER: Research, consists of two exercises. Inspired by the relation between the sculptor (human) and the sculpture (non– human), the workout deals with material agency of the human body and the agency of the artefact (‘Dancing Dress’) in their continuous relation similar to the act of sculpting. It’s a physical practice stimulating the movement of matter receiving form, a movement that emerges as a result of the relationship between the human body and the object (‘Dancing Dress’). The idea of the exercise does not aim at strengthening the impulse to live a physical relationship with things; instead it focuses on facilitating forms that make that relationship visible.“
Performance: Ola Maciejewska
Artistic collaboration: Judith Schoneveld
Costume: Jolanta Maciejewska
Commissioned by TENT Rotterdam/ NL
With support of ZEEBELT THEATRE/ NL